About Carolyn Plum LeRoy

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“Don’t despair, whatever happens, for behind the clouds is always the rainbow.”    

― L. Frank Baum, Sky Island

Hi, I’m Carolyn Plum LeRoy. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Upstate New York. More specifically I am passionate about helping people heal and rebuild. 

I come from a long time of movie makers, entertainers and celebration specialists and we all have one thing in common: we care about how people face life with joy after suffering. My grandfather, Mervyn LeRoy, made The Wizard of Oz and always believed in looking for the “heart” in all people. 

I’m committed to helping your learn how to find meaning in your pain. I have been through grief in many forms in my life and have faced the sadness and come out the other side stronger. 

If you are struggling I want to help you feel less alone. I will collaborate with you so you can find the light along your yellow brick road. Reach out today so you can find your heart, your courage, your mind and feel at home again. 

Let's start working together!